Poetry and Thoughts

By Katie DeCubellis

I Open My Eyes

I open my eyes and begin to see,
All of the horrors there happen to be.

The children on the street begging for food,
What a horrible life, so terribly crude.

The young and the old lying in gutters,
When they ask for food, people reply with mutters.

Searching the garbage for food to eat,
Maybe some clothing or shoes for their feet.

The sick and the sad trying to find,
Someone to help them, someone who’s kind.

So next time you hear their cries and their yelps,
Try to be kind, try to help.

I am

I am a friendly girl whose name is Katie
I wonder how old I will live to be
I hear people, animals, and many sounds
I see the things that are around
I want to be the best I can be
I am a friendly girl whose name is Katie

I pretend that it’s sunny when there is rain
I feel other people’s pain
I touch the hearts of many I meet
I worry in someway that I may be beat
I cry when people are mean to me
I am a friendly girl whose name is Katie

I understand that I should be kind
I say the things that are on my mind
I dream that I will do most things right
I try my best with my brother not to fight
I hope the world I’ll be able to see
I am a friendly girl whose name is Katie


  • Keep your cookies on a high shelf so when you reach the cookies, they will taste better.
  • Dodge the obstacles of life, but don’t forget to jump the hurdles.
  • Eggs are like friendship; some are scrambled and some are sunny side up.
  • Carry out your dreams, and they just might be delivered.
  • Understand the paths others follow; you never know when you’ll be in their shoes.
  • Believe in magic and your wishes may come true.
  • Every time you help someone, you help that person help someone else.
  • Life is like chicken, it can be sweet or sour, but it is always filling.
  • Live life as if it’s chocolate; you can never get enough.
  • It’s okay to fly with confidence but don’t get carried away.
  • Save everything; you never know when junk will come in handy.

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